Health & Safety of Players – Hazards & Risks

The Akaroa Golf Club takes its Health & Safety obligations seriously. Due to its unique and stunning natural features, the course has many potential risk hazards to be aware of

  • While enjoying the views, always be mindful of the potential risks – slippery steep slopes, narrow bridges, and wayward flying golf balls.
  • On some fairways players are unsighted from oncoming golf balls, particularly over rises or from behind trees. If you or your partner hit a wayward ball warn unwary players by shouting “FORE” loudly and promptly.
  • Players hit by flying golf balls cause death and serious injuries around the world.
  • The Tees of the 14th & 17th holes are vulnerable to wayward balls from both directions. Please use the screen for protection.
  • The steep slopes on holes 3, 4 and 14 require special care and attention especially when wet.
  • Motorised Golf Carts must remain on the cart paths on holes 3 & 4 at all times. Operate carts in a safe responsible manner.
  • Retrieving golf balls from creeks is hazardous and dangerous. Golf balls are cheap compared to falls and injuries.
  • Balls hit out-of-bounds into neighbouring property should be reported to the office.

Throughout the course and clubhouse, please take care and act responsibly – BUT – above all, stay safe, have fun and enjoy the challenge that is the Akaroa Golf Club Course.


Akaroa Golf Club’s Alcohol Policy

Our club alcohol policy outlines club rules around alcohol consumption. The policy sets expectations for behaviour and expresses the club’s intolerance to intoxication. The club alcohol policy will ensure our club meets the best interests of members and represents the values of the club.


Our aim is to provide a fun, safe, enjoyable environment that encourages all participants to reach their full potential no matter what their aspirations may be. 


Akaroa Golf Club is committed to being an outstanding club that provides an environment that aims to inspire, nurture and develop.

Members of this community and this club recognise that the misuse of alcohol constitutes a threat to our mission.

This policy applies to club members; their guests and members of clubs with reciprocal visiting rights, and any affiliated team (whether or not the member is an authorised customer) on club property and facilities; and while engaged in a club activity.

Our rules

  • Alcohol can only be purchased at the clubhouse bar – No BYO alcohol permitted
  • Alcohol can only be consumed in the licensed areas (refer clubhouse/tournament day plans)
  • Bar staff will confirm customers can purchase alcohol (age/intox/membership)
  • Disregarding our rules may result in loss of membership
  • There will be no alcohol sponsorship
  • No drugs are permitted
  • No disorderly behaviour or intoxication permitted on premises or when representing the club off-site or on tour

Our process

  • Our alcohol policy is displayed at the entrance to the club and on the clubs website
  • Membership contracts and newsletters will include the clubs alcohol policy
  • We will review our policy annually

President Gary Knight

Duty Managers Gary Knight, Rachael Court, Fran Anderson

Secretary Rachael Court

Date 15 July 2021